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Midway Madness

Updated: Sep 19, 2020

Today marks a full 5 months I have been in Belgium and 5 months until I see my family again. I know I haven't posted in over a month, but I figured this day was worth it. I remember my first weeks here and how I genuinely didn't think I would be able to make it to Christmas, let alone February... This past month I don't feel like I've done anything notable and honestly, this last bit has been a tough one. I feel like I relapsed a bit back into my initial homesickness and was also hit with some blues. My family has been very encouraging in reminding me that this isn't an easy task and that that was one of the reasons I ventured out. It is hard when all the other exchange students don't seem as affected as you do, but honestly, I know that's probably far from the opposite and that they too are feeling the challenge. The comparison game is a hard habit to break, for sure and I am continually learning that among other things! These past few months I have made a list of observations that I would like to share, they are listed randomly without order.

Here's what I've learned so far in 5 months abroad:

I just want to express my gratitude once again for being able to know so many kind people that support me in all that I do, you guys mean the world to me!

All the love,


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